
Sincere Community mindful learning phases of positive thinking and mixed-media journaling blog

“Don’t internalise harm to harm yourself or anyone else. Never give up, you are better than that. Together we reduce harm to the discourse of no self-harm without harming others because we are free of harm and it cannot interfere with us!”

To every prospect that likes and or follows this detoxification blog while I am furthering my holistic psychology practices to become an advanced practitioner via Bath College, FutureLearn, and the Universities I attend, especially, The Open University. I won’t be posting anything for while as for the next 2 years my CPD for the DCP Faculty of Addictions student registration with the British Psychological Society has a primary purpose. And, that primary purpose is the DCP Faculty for Addictions as I develop and foster effective psychological services and practice for people with addictions. 

I aim to raise awareness of psychological issues in addiction and facilitate communication and support among other fellow psychologists and other professionals working in this field to promote the holistic approach and adult learning social sciences psychological research in arts and humanities which provides person-centred support to enhance the lives of people affected by any health issues and advocacy issues with addictions.

To benefit the Faculty of Addictions inclusively with an active discussion regarding the list and at least 2 Continuing Professional Development days each year.

My aims of the faculty are to:

Act as a source of expertise to the DCP on matters relating to Addiction

Advise and influence relevant organisations and policies regarding the psychology of people affected by Addiction issues

Facilitate communication and support among psychologists and other professionals working in this field

Liaise with other professional bodies with similar professional interests

Promote psychological research which enhances the lives of people affected by Addictions

Provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of issues, experiences and findings in Addiction work

Raise awareness of psychological issues in Addiction

This blog will act as a forum for public commentary, and I will be available for confidential information sharing regarding this matter.

Sincere Community mindful learning phases of positive thinking and mixed-media journaling blog. I won't be posting anything for the next two years because my CPD for the DCP Faculty of Addictions student registration with the British Psychological Society is my primary focus right now.

Sincere Community mindful learning phases of positive thinking and mixed-media journaling blog Do not internalise harm to harm yourself or others. Never give up; you are stronger than that I won't be posting anything for the next two years because my CPD for the DCP Faculty of Addictions student registration with the British Psychological Society is my primary focus. To every prospect who likes and/or follows this detoxification blog while I am furthering my holistic psychology practices to become an advanced practitioner through Bath College, FutureLearn, and the universities I attended, particularly The Open University. 

The blog is a community mindful learning phase of positive thinking and a mixed-media journaling blog. I won't be posting anything for the next two years because my CPD for the DCP Faculty of Addictions student registration with the British Psychological Society is my primary focus.


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