Technology & Mathematics


I watched an interesting YouTube video the other day and now I am thinking about the convections of time dilations drift-diffusion(s) plus poetic demands semantic congruity.

Are you middle-aged? To avoid heart and pancreas health issues with your natural adrenaline slowing down and not being able to oxidise the free radicals of metabolic state because of fauna or flora fat tissue in the way, which leaves you feeling sluggish and even results in bad skin outbreaks then pop over to Holland & Barrett and get these 2. You may wanna add these phytonutrients as well… 

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Interested in my Open Master's route in molecular cell biology and want me to measure the genomic distances of your health pre-medical state via genome calculus? It takes me about an hour after you answer a few questions. WhatsApp me or Messenger me now.

Are you Diabetic? If you are or you would like pre-medical health state therapeutic advice for detoxification about your cell and your blood and sugar levels of natural insulins glucose. Then get in touch via WhatsApp or Messenger.

As your therapeutic detoxification personal assistant, I can provide blood base predictions and acid-base predictions plus respiratory calculations to coach you through being motivated and caring about maintaining your detox from addictions and diseases. Contact me via WhatsApp or Messenger.

Let’s look at the benefits of a detox in the total cause of anything unhealthy worth preventing via discrete mathematics of cellular automata. Your pre-medical health state may require a culinary plant-based diet tailored to your cell group types nutritional diffusion needs. Do you want to know more then get in touch via WhatsApp or Messenger.

Have you been given ASTRAZENECA for COVID-19? It's a corticotrophin which is stimulated by Vitamin F providing nourishing support to your cells developing immunity, and a regular Budwig diet is beneficial, too.

AstraZeneca also contains tubulin RNA therapy which is a mitosis-promoting telomere in cell cycles of fission yeast, the fermentation is a grape wine protein that prevents ageing and Cancer.

I’ve made a petition – will you sign it?

Click this link to sign the petition:

My petition:

More right to control the integrity of dignities prerogative in default of neglect.

Democracy is the rule of law in individual liberty of truth and mutual respect isn't tolerance of those of different faiths that are false for the sake of crime prevention nor misbeliefs asserting any use of information wrongly for the prefix of it that is added to verbs and their derivatives.

Empower citizens, public officials and public figures plus public organisations. End impunities regretful embarrassment of surreptitious business concepts that are corrupt with acts of obtaining any dispensations gifts by concealed truth. Reform and amend public and private administration plus finance management. Promote transparency and accountability 24/7 plus access to info that's private. Close international loopholes to ban entry to Britain and disallow cause to remain that should exit.

Click this link to sign the petition:

Friendly brand crowd faction group of people discussing the terms and conditions of different engagements with all the institutional understandings of sciences in the meaning and application of an unpaid professional basis. We challenge the interests of our ethical research in both the unethical and ethical as well as historical and contemporary aspects of misconceptions. There's an approach method to cover a lot of medical and health sciences that encompasses the prevention, cure, and understanding of addiction and disease while investigating the physical universe and areas where the integrated life sciences subjects overlap.

Looking at symptoms of effects of gravity and photon, electron diffusion similarities between dysbarism and barotrauma for pathophysiological etiological medical causes.

Looking at uneven distributions of gravity wave radiation in atmospheric mass per square unit of environment for distinctions between ambient pressures.

Should I be dancing on the television because of the radio, or more seriously wrong in my sexual health? I want to be the liberty of my argument that is neutral in the humility of being humbled while the dignity of integrity is given to the revolt between outlaws and outcasts in paradise, and how any way powerful enough that won't gets to take fascisms rebellion and profitable deceit to the cleaners.


„Truth is as impossible to be soiled by any outward touch as the sunbeam.“ — John Milton 

The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce (1643), Introduction. Compare: "The sun, which passeth through pollutions and itself remains as pure as before", Francis Bacon, Advancement of Learning, Book ii (1605)

Source: Quotepark

Sincere Detox - Personal Blog

#alternativetherapyblog · Personal Blog

I have been told that I am a boring realist when it comes down to recovery within my brand philosophy of motivation and caring that seeks interest and agreement. The proposal of objective truths without subjective facts at times is an experience in the science of a moral imperative. What is hard and hurtful in life is the meritocracy trap of materiality and health full of harsh self-discipline of memory and harm plus destruction, that is a punishing mood of controversies and controlling disharmonious rejections, that also promoted cheats tricks between the historical and contemporary. A better life in its increased safety and improved outcomes is rescued from either half or all the pain of the cut-off confines of its hold on no freedom. Life is barriers and obstacles defined basically as acts of depriving like the slavery and prisoner war in life with all of its challenging dimensions of dominance for the purpose and intent of coercion that is the blood and money that becomes the violence of it as well in the race, gender and class, and the inevitable course of its prejudices.

If we are leading, not immobilised nor struggling then free scientific inquiry into the boundless chemistry and forces of sociology is alive and well. It is also the nature and reality of humanities in its arts and therapy that is instrumental not only to free will but scholarship, too. The critical relevance takes competency plus practice in the form of an able level while the movements of our unwritten rules to British society and its behaviours and speech are considered changes in the changing environment, and cultural situations of a mixture of norms, or mores of the unacceptable and acceptable involved in interactions that must negotiate the life bridges of underlying expectations and the uncompromising without misunderstanding the values principles of it. 

Exploration and discovery of anything anywhere can or cannot?


In reason, the group has an unassuming aspiration to share the credit with others via free discussion between the individuals and the state of the crowd so we can understand the science of social psychology that expresses the feature of engaged free-thinking and its free associations, but is the collective logic a competent privilege?

WORD of the DAY - Sincere 

#conciseadjectives· Personal Blog


An organised community influence produces the settings of escape from the fundamental incidences of dysfunctional categories of social health factors and all the negative impacts of events from peoples and places on the psychological, emotional, and physical aspects of life via its detriments that won't and doesn't alleviate the determinants of problems troubles. Adaptive resilience to stress takes shape in the size of action that counters misbelief to be busily occupied from adverse situations through being the habit of ENGAGED perception out of the unclear consequences of uncertainties and risks.

An organised community that evokes positive memories to cause change that brings prospects together to challenge negative thoughts through the activities of restructuring mindfulness via learning and discussion exercises that are good for your overall physical and mental health.

When thinking about the important contrasts between formative and summative assessments evaluating content and chapters of learning as an understanding of connected concepts that are observed scientific facts or ideas of what the observed scientific facts may be but are not scientific facts we achieve the elementary state with our childhood focus by identifying the difficulties in the learning goal or not, and why?

The function of the group is not to give advice or counselling plus we don't distribute support on academic or non-academic issues.

Working on refining the organisation's formal and informal social action and belief philosophy of motivation and caring, which is to be founded on the change and modernity of cultural ethics values and principles in the academic and working fields of the arts and therapy, that is attempting to progressively establish business via prospected loyalty and promise, and all this as an emancipatory democratic and positive team brand community interest contract agreement in the capacity act of mentally competent subscribers and members of our company marketing strategies developing public relations. Our professional understanding and involvement in all the social enterprises of promoting our activities commerce and justice campaigns and the management of all of its engagements.

The team brand receives no income from grants, we attempt our income by selling product services within our legal structure.

We are a straightforward community group run entirely by volunteers to benefit prospects and improve district boroughs.

“Not-for-profit Organisation”, independent team brand individual, no private profit for directors, members or shareholders.

A recent review of traffic insights reveals that the core experience of users views commits to the business as not actively participating perceptibly as customers only prospects, just prospectively passive subscriptions and memberships as the team brand community relies on an economy network of active consumers to provide a premium income from executive churn stakes product services, each team brand unit holds a niche interest as usual.

In virtue of being a sincere community for adult learning in the arts, humanities and social sciences we are communicating acts by the truthful belief that everyone is a unique individual and everyone has a voice in the right not to fear and speak up.


The Sincere Goods Vendor for the Sincere Community says, to watch this space for further developments are expected and more information will be given later.

Sincere Community

Sincere Technology & Mathematics

Scientist · Science, Technology & Engineering · Therapist

Blob - Sincere Facts & Misconceptions

#spaceandtimebubble · Personal Blog

What is Blob? 

Blob is the known Universe (UNI as in MULTI) and I refer to space and time bubbles that are as Blob and plasma blobs. Everything from stardust to homeworld elementary states of elements and atoms. All molecular chemistry and the atomic plus all the high densities.

I already mentioned that I applied for the job of Healthcare Assistant - Theatres with The Circle Health Recruitment Team. My candidacy was to be reviewed as I was confident of my eligibility plus my desire to gain 2 years of medical shadowing work experience for the sake of my protocol ST advancements and all my formal learning plus accredited learning that's part of my academic progress and continuing professional development. My Speciality Training is biased because my CES and my near-fatal childhood accident left me extensively scarred from head to toe and front to back with other later childhood and adulthood injuries. Also, there's my personal experience with opioid addiction and prescription-based opioids which I have already overcome. There's also my Whitney-Wood scholarship application in August of this year that is now in jeopardy.

I have already tried to check up on my application, but I'm still having the same problems. 

Yeah, dinner parties and tennis courts gang perceptions of me can be seriously wrong INTEL that's challenging adversity to overcome especially when there's no way to reset my password and check if I got an interview or not.

Since the AWP NHS ICO fine Bath's life has been full of indicators that the bitter basket of favours and its liabilities vindictiveness is of perceptions.

Just look at this Twitter Thread for instance via the link or tweets pasted below the link inset to this post...

@NHSEngland @NHSuk @NHS @AskNHS @AWPNHS 

You said my mind looks normal yet your perceptions are a liability. If split-brain schizophrenia of my corpus callosum is the affective colossal syndrome affliction to my CT imaging, its abnormalities instead of my brain health's reality.

@ukhomeoffice @downingstreet @HouseofCommons 

Have you ever been stigmatised by perceptions of liability? Or even when it comes down to a virus you didn't have really after all...

@AskNHS @ukhomeoffice 

What's wrong with seriously wrong people is my Rh Negative Mother's fault because of a theories math? No, nor is it my fault. Why are you allowed to stigmatise me with perceptions of liability for misdiagnoses I complained about 17 years ago?

@NHSEngland @NHSuk @NHS @AskNHS @AWPNHS @ukhomeoffice @downingstreet @HouseofCommons @Curo_Group @bathnes @JulianHouseUK @NCA_UK @actionfrauduk @ASPolice @HMCTSgovuk @ICOnews

Why is the NHS allowed to practice being perceptions liability without medical evidence?

@brucejonesw Anything to add to this thread at all Dr? @ukhomeoffice @ICOnews Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust’s 27 April 2021 case reference number IC-103672-... @AWPNHS     

@ukhomeoffice @UkNatArchives   

2 problems, AWP PALS misdiagnosis for my Student Finance Application and my support worker from Barnabas House claiming that I am mentally unwell because I was complaining about him to management and the Police plus the Home Office... @AWPNHS   

@ukhomeoffice @UkNatArchives    

This is the situation that clashed all because of causations duty of care in data breaches and its liabilities, then I am evicted from Barnabas House via misrepresentation whilst forced to do a mental health assessment. @JulianHouseUK @AWPNHS   

@AWPNHS @JulianHouseUK @OpenUniversity

This resulted in me deferring 2 diplomas and being unable to afford a small claims court settlement for rescinding the misrepresentation, it dragged on for months now and all because of the bitterness of these cheats and their fraud.

@JulianHouseUK @ukhomeoffice @NCA_UK

Are my belongings and the material evidence for my Public Enquiry T682/18 safe... @UkNatArchives  

@JulianHouseUK @AWPNHS @ukhomeoffice @ASPolice

Somebody from Julian House is going to be arrested soon if my belongings are destroyed, a sanction fine will follow through for all the troublemaking caused by AWP NHS and Julian House.

@ICOnews @ukhomeoffice @AWPNHS @JulianHouseUK

It's not as if Julian House and AWP NHS don't already have ICO fines for how they mistreated me so far. @UkNatArchives @HouseofCommons @UKParliament  

@ukhomeoffice @AWPNHS @JulianHouseUK

Not forgetting that I was actually discharged from AWP NHS as a service user back in 2019 to self-manage my GP, but still, my cheating support worker couldn't resist winding up AWP NHS because I complained about him.

Public Enquiry Reference T682/18

#SincereSocialConstructionist · Public Figure

Blob and everything that is Blob is a material of mechanical design that is intelligent.

I'm public enemy no.1 in Bath, England for my Public Enquiry Reference T682/18 and haters might wanna shut down Detoxing States - Sincere and Acu-Detox Alternatives - Sincere plus Sincere Therapeutics as well as this blog and my new year brand detox pages, Sincere Mindfulness Journal and Sincere Fitness & Weight Loss plus associated groups managed by administration of these.

Protonic Zen and its therapeutic meaning are the positive health effects of mindfulness in contrast to the opposite that are an affected state of a neutronic condition that is the faith of truth being negatively round the bend. The head of the mind and the neck plus the spine including the heart and otherwise vital organs as well as the blood and bones plus teeth are cellular exchanges with hormones. Rage syndrome can be compared to a garden of weeds as the bodily earth garden of your being is awareness and conscious effort full of rhythm and mindful physical tasks of it. As cells naturally die in daily decay throughout every layer of your life to the likes of exfoliation in all group type carbon isotope life form radiations. You internally secrete some forms of sodium and bromine effects that can be damaging to a displaced energy balance. Toxicities within your natural chemical health react in cell structures that rely on natural insulin but are busy fighting valence and velocity. So getting your serum pH just right is extremely important to your general health and well-being. The scale and scheme of things in life that deserve the harmony of patience and understanding and peaceful objectivity are all important to your cellular physiology. The make-up of your cellular pathology is unique and diverse to your organs, tissues and cells. The key to your molecular Cancer therapeutics for instance and any impact factor is prevention or even regular detoxifications.


Asymmetric - Adjective

In my own words not that of Google... Not identical on both sides nor in the middle and all about throughout size and shape.

"Too much asymmetry to your language's symmetry."


Society of Open University Philosophers

The society of Open University Philosophers is open to anyone with an interest in Philosophy.  Philosophy is one of the oldest disciplines and covers just about all the Big...

My OpenLearn achievements (STATEMENTS OF PARTICIPATION) for FREE Courses The Open University that I have completed are listed on my public profile. 

Badged courses (non-accredited) are represented by different icon types.

My OpenLearn Public Profile

Astrobiology on OpenLearn 

Astrobiology explores whether there might be life elsewhere in the Universe. We've got a fantastic range of FREE resources on OpenLearn so that you can learn more about this fascinating area.

BBC Inside Science 2020/21 series

Adam Rutherford and guests illuminate the mysteries and controversies behind the science that's changing our world.

What is a Raspberry Pi?

The Raspberry Pi is a low-cost, credit-card-sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. It is a capable little device that enables people of all ages to explore computing and to learn how to program in languages like Scratch and Python.,languages%20like%20Scratch%20and%20Python.

Simple coding 

Have you ever wanted to try out simple coding? Want to understand the basics of what it entails? This course introduces you to the skills, concepts and jargon of coding.


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